When you buy from the Greenway Solution Shop Online website, we want you to be happy with your purchase. However, we know sometimes you may need to return goods. This policy sets faout when you can return goods, and how to do so.

  • If you have received faulty or damaged goods
    You may hand any faulty or damaged goods back to the driver at the time of delivery for a refund or return to our Hypermarket store printed on the delivery documents (with proof of purchase) for a refund or exchange. At the Customer Services desk you can request a refund.


  • When you return goods
    Customer shall return goods at his/her own cost. Goods returned shall be refunded at the price which the Customer had paid at the point of delivery.
    1. Please note that, in the event of a refund, all points received for the purchase of the refunded goods will be removed from Customer account.
    2. For the avoidance of doubt, this provision does not affect the rights of the Customer for non-acceptance of substituted goods.
    3. Please note that, in the event of a refund, all points received for the purchase of the refunded goods will be removed from customer account.


  • Cancellation
    Customer can cancel or change any of Customer’s current orders up to 10pm on the evening before the order is due to be delivered via the app and web. If in an emergency, the Customer needs to cancel the order after this time, Customer may contact Customer Services and we will try our best to help.
    *Please note that orders cannot be cancelled by email.